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                About Us

                Super-hemisphere,a precision aiming accessories factory, located at Nantong-a beautiful pearl city in the Yangtze River Delta. It is a comprehensive manufacturer Sprawling research, design and production of specific sight hardware accessories. Factory covers an area of 11,500 square meters,employees about 62 people with almost 16 years production history, strong technical force and talent design team.

                Super-hemisphere is registered by the relevant state departments of enterprises, mainly offering hardware accessories, support fishbone, mirror bridge rail,carry interior, shouldering hang buckle and so on, the address of which is Xinba Industrial Park, Pingchao Town, Nantong City, Jiangsu. We have long been dedicated to design and production of sight hardware accessories, kept a principle of “Customer and integrity first” , so that our products are explored to Europe, America ,Middle-East and Southeast Asia, and have made up long-term friendly and Cooperative relations with domestic and international businesses. It′s pleasure to dedicate to serve every costumer and colleague with our humanized management, reasonable price, innovative technologies, and excellent quality. We wearmly welcome friend from all walks of life comes to visit, the inspection, the discussion service.
