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                The domestic rifle finally eliminated the dovetail slot and replaced it with a new generation of tactical rails, making it easier to install a scope

                2021-05-14 13:49:27 chaobanqiu 5

                Recently, a picture of a domestic 95 automatic rifle has attracted attention from the outside world. The 95 automatic rifle above is equipped with a tactical rail similar to a leather rail. The installation of a leather rail for domestic light weapons is nothing new, but the tactical rail installed on this 95 automatic rifle should be It is equipped with the original factory, so it is speculated that the domestic-made light weapon tactical rail is being upgraded.

                Previously, the domestically-made light weapon tactical rail was a dovetail groove. Dovetail groove is one of the tactical guide rails used in the early days. Its advantages are simple structure, convenient processing, low cost and low cost. However, the shortcomings are also very obvious. First of all, the general performance is not good. Foreign countries have generally adopted leather rails as tactical rails, and the interface is not compatible with the dovetail groove. In addition, the expandability of the dovetail groove is relatively low. It is not as long or short as the leather rail. The ability to support multiple (a) tactical attachment combinations is not as good as the leather rail. The dovetail groove is not as reliable and robust as the leather rail. Dovetail grooves are generally replaced with leather rails.

                Dovetail grooves were previously selected for domestic-made light weapons tactical rails.

                With the combination of three tactical accessories, the expansion of the leather track is very obvious.

                The outside world generally believes that the original choice of dovetail slots for domestic light weapons should have taken a fancy to the advantage of low cost. The development of domestic light weapons has always been restricted by the indicator of cost. For example, the 95 automatic rifle has no use even for the refined barrel in order to control the price. In addition, the scale of domestic tactical accessories is relatively small, like the optical sights are not equipped with 1:1, let alone night vision goggles, laser pointers and other equipment, so these shortcomings of the dovetail slot are also within the acceptable range.

                As the country's economic strength increases, the number of tactical accessories for domestic equipment continues to increase, both domestically produced models and imported products. At this time, the shortcomings of the dovetail slot are unacceptable. As mentioned earlier, foreign products use standard leather rail interfaces, which are not compatible with dovetail slots. The use of domestic light weapons also requires a transfer interface, which not only increases the weight, but also improves the line of sight, which is very inconvenient. In addition, the number of tactical accessories has increased, and the combined use situation has increased. The dovetail slot is barely capable in this regard. Therefore, the domestic relevant units have been calling for domestic light weapons to upgrade the tactical rails.

                Previously, some domestic light weapons added leather rail-dovetail slot conversion ports.

                Some modifications are more thorough.

                Before the advent of the new generation of domestically produced tactical rails, many troops and units chose some private enterprises to provide kits to modify their weapons. There are two main forms. One is relatively simple, which is to add a leather rail-dovetail slot conversion port, so that domestic light weapons can be quickly replaced with tactical accessories. This modification is simple and convenient, and the cost is low. The disadvantage is that the degree of upgrade is limited, and the aiming line after modification increase. There is also a more thorough improvement to the weapon, full replacement of leather rails, better scalability, and the ability to combine multiple tactical accessories for use. Of course, the system cost and construction cost are relatively high.

                According to domestic requirements, relevant units have also developed a new generation of domestically-made tactical rails, which are installed on new-generation domestic light weapons such as domestic 35mm sniper grenade launchers and 40mm anti-riot grenade launchers. Judging from the related pictures, its design is similar to that of a leather track. However, relevant units have revealed that the new generation of domestically produced tactical rails is wider than the leather rails, and the installation of tactical accessories is more stable. Now the new generation of tactical rails has been transplanted to active light weapons. The new generation of tactical rails are installed on both sides and underneath of the 95 automatic rifle, which can be equipped with a variety of tactical accessories. However, the handle does not seem to have changed, which means that it still uses dovetail grooves as the main tactical guide. It may be considered that the domestically-made scopes are now mainly compatible with dovetail grooves. If the new generation of tactical guides are modified, the interface needs to be added.

                35mm sniper grenade launcher with a new generation of domestically produced tactical rails.

                Of course, the coexistence of the two guide rails should not last long, and the elimination of the dovetail slot is not far away. The new generation of domestically-made automatic rifles has been publicly unveiled. It also uses a new generation of tactical guides. It is reported that the new generation of domestically-made automatic rifles is equipped with tactical guides and has been improved. It is made of engineering plastics instead of the commonly used aluminum alloy. Tactical rail development trend. As the number of tactical accessories installed increases, the tactical rails on light weapons are getting longer and more, and the weight is increasing. For single-soldier weapons, weight is a factor that cannot be ignored. The new M-LOK tactical rail can be made of engineering plastics and carbon fiber to reduce its own weight.

                The tactical rails of the new domestic guns are said to be made of engineering plastics to reduce weight.

                In the near future, the new generation of domestically produced tactical rails will quickly replace various existing domestic tactical rails in order to improve the expandability of domestic light weapons.
