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                AR End Plate Dual LoopProduct DescriptionMade of C1045 Carbon Steel and Heat TreatedAmbidextrous double loops attachment pointThis steel adapter plate replaces collapsible stock receiver end plates t

                AR End Plate Dual Loop
                Product Description
                Made of C1045 Carbon Steel and Heat Treated
                Ambidextrous double loops attachment point
                This  steel adapter plate replaces collapsible stock receiver end plates to allow sling mounting on either the primary or off side shoulder position for a comfortable tactical carry of the weapon.
                The ambidextrous tactical sling adapter is for attaching various types of tactical slings to your AR-15/M4 pattern carbine or rifle with an adjustable stock. Can be used to mount either web-loop slings or slings with lobster claws or HK type clips.
                Removal of the receiver extension is necessary for adapter installation. Does not interfere with use of the forward assist.
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
