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                Rail Mounted Push Button Qd Quick Release 1.25" Sling Swivel with Base MountProduct DescriptionManufacturer Lifetime limited warrantyInstalls in seconds to quad rail forends or Picatinny accessor

                Rail Mounted Push Button Qd Quick Release 1.25" Sling Swivel with Base Mount
                Product Description
                Manufacturer Lifetime limited warranty
                Installs in seconds to quad rail forends or Picatinny accessory rails. Fits 1 1/4inch slings
                Capable of 360degree free rotation
                Simply push button to quickly detach and attach sling
                The set includes one push-button style sling swivel pin and one base for Picatinny rails Simply push button to detach and attach swivel Fit on 20mm weaver rails. Swivel pin rotates freely after plugged in For use with 1 1/4inch wide slings Great for use on Quad Rail forends or other Picatinny accessory rails. Quick- detach feature provides emergency weapon install and release Accepts QD Push Button Style Stud Swivels Heavy duty alloy construction. Allen wrench included Base length: 1inch Swivel set weight: 2 oz.
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 0.2 ounces
