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                clamp mount Spring rifle Quick ReleaseProduct Description11"-14" Metal Bipod .Fit 20mm picatinny and weaver rail.Fit Barrel with adapter (12mm to 21mm), Qiuck detach to the barrel.Height (fr

                clamp mount Spring rifle Quick Release
                Product Description
                11"-14" Metal Bipod .Fit 20mm picatinny and weaver rail.
                Fit Barrel with adapter (12mm to 21mm), Qiuck detach to the barrel.
                Height (from top mount base to foot bottom): From 280mm to 370mm (11 to 14 inch) with various adjustment.
                Weight (net): 365g. Easy use and installation. Press down the side button to fold the bipod feet. Release the feet screws to extend the length, and then fasten again. Package include: 1xbipod and 1xbarrel mount
