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                Hinged Base 13.5-27 InchProduct DescriptionMade from high strength anodized aluminum alloy. Stressed parts are tempered spring steel. Bipods clamp to most Q.D. stud-equipped bolt action rifles and hav

                Hinged Base 13.5-27 Inch
                Product Description
                Made from high strength anodized aluminum alloy. Stressed parts are tempered spring steel. Bipods clamp to most Q.D. stud-equipped bolt action rifles and have sling attachment provision and adjustment for off-center stud. Spring loaded folding legs are quickly adjustable for height. Black anodized finish.
                Ultralight Bipods
                The Tallest Of The Bipods, Useful In Snow. It May Be Better Suited For Unusually Tall Or Heavy Men. Three Piece Leg Construction. Extends From Approximately 13-1/2 To 27 Inches Bareel Hieght. Hinged Base.
                Product Details
                Product Dimensions: 17 x 5 x 2 inches ; 1.2 pounds
