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                Tactical Weaver Hand Grip & BipodProduct Description:Bi Pod + Tatical Hand Grip T-HandleFits All R.I.S. SystemPress Button pop out Bi-PodEasy mount on & offPush Button Bipod is spring loaded a

                Tactical Weaver Hand Grip & Bipod
                Product Description:
                Bi Pod + Tatical Hand Grip T-Handle
                Fits All R.I.S. System
                Press Button pop out Bi-Pod
                Easy mount on & off
                Push Button Bipod is spring loaded and made out of military grade plastic. Awesome upgrade for the Sniper. Push a button and the legs extend out 3-1/2". Also is a grip for your paintball gun, length of grip is 5". So total length is 8-1/2". This Bipod will fit any rifle, paintball gun or airsoft that has weaver rails.
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
