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                AR15 M4 M16 223 5.56 Colt Rifle/Carbine Ergonomic Rear Combat Pistol Hand Grip ForegripProduct Description:Increases operator comfort and weapon performance, Providing more control during firing while

                AR15 M4 M16 223 5.56 Colt Rifle/Carbine Ergonomic Rear Combat Pistol Hand Grip Foregrip
                Product Description:
                Increases operator comfort and weapon performance, Providing more control during firing while reducing fatigue
                Finger grooves, palm swell and contoured backstrap allow for a powerful grip
                Grip base offers an easily accessible secured storage Compartment for a small cleaning kit or other items
                Molded From Reinforced Plastic Composite
                Easy 1 screw installation
                These pistol grips replace the stock grip that comes with your 223 / 556 Rifle. Will not be disappointed with the quality of these grips. These are bulkier than the flimsy grip that comes with the standard AR.
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces
