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                BS8AK, AK47,AK74 Stamped Receiver ButtStock, Buffer Tube, & Quick Release Swivel - Sold BY 22mods4allProduct Description:Free Shipping on ALL Products Sold By 22mods4all"Tuff as Nails" R

                BS8AK, AK47,AK74 Stamped Receiver ButtStock, Buffer Tube, & Quick Release Swivel - Sold BY 22mods4all
                Product Description:
                Free Shipping on ALL Products Sold By 22mods4all
                "Tuff as Nails" Reinforced Polymer Construction
                Includes a quick release pivoting swivel to accommodate a tactical sling
                Stock With AK Stock Adapter Receiver Extension Tube Compatible With Stamped Receiver AK-47 and AK-74 rifle variants
                Sling Swivel to attach sling directly to buttstock
                What it is: Fits the AK47 and AK74 stamped receivers. It has a sling swivel which is used to attach your sling directly to your buttstock. The Buttstock is made from extremely tough, fiberglass-reinforced, injection-molded nylon that resists impact. Why buy it from us: Lifetime Limited Warranty Competitive price for a Buttstock
