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                Tactical Anodized Aluminum AR-15 AR15 AR 15 M4 M15 Rifle Flattop Weaver Picatinny Rail Base 1 Piece Cantilever Integral Tri Rail Scope Ring Mount For 30mm & 1" Tube ScopeProduct Description30

                Tactical Anodized Aluminum AR-15 AR15 AR 15 M4 M15 Rifle Flattop Weaver Picatinny Rail Base 1 Piece Cantilever Integral Tri Rail Scope Ring Mount For 30mm & 1" Tube Scope
                Product Description
                30mm Rings
                Tri Rail Design
                Solid Aluminum
                Picatinny Mount
                Matte Black
                One-piece, aluminum mount with integral rings is precision machined to true MIL-STD 1913 Picatinny specs for a secure fit on flattop receiver rails and any standard 7/8" weaver picatinny rail. Ring height and forward offset are ideal for use with standard scopes and sights as well as long eye relief scopes by reversing the mount. Each ring features 3 weaver-picatinny accessory rails for the further attachments such as lights, lasers, night vision add ons etc.Will fit 30mm scope tubes and can also fit 1" scope tubes when using the included adapter shims. 6 Torx? head screws secure each top ring strap to hold the optics tight under heavy recoil. Full-length base clamps to the receiver with 3 thumbnuts for a rock-solid fit and zero movement while also being more readily installed and removed.Aluminum, hardcoat anodized, matte black ; 5.4" long, 1.8" overall width, 2.6" overall height. Height from top of rail to bottom of ring:1.4", Weight: 10.9 oz.
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
