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                1inch Medium Height One Piece Scope Mount with Stop Pin for High Power Magnum Airguns Air RifleProduct DescriptionWorks with scopes of 1inch tube and objective lens size up to 40mmFits onto both 3/8in

                1inch Medium Height One Piece Scope Mount with Stop Pin for High Power Magnum Airguns Air Rifle
                Product Description
                Works with scopes of 1inch tube and objective lens size up to 40mm
                Fits onto both 3/8inch and 11mm dovetails
                Four clamping screws for max. holding power
                Built-in pointed stop pin is easy to apply
                One piece design for better scope alignment
                This is a medium height scope mount made specially for use with high power airguns. Its side clamping plate can be reversed so that the mount work on both 3/8inch and 11mm dovetail rails. The mount also has a pointed stop pin built in and can be applied easily when needed using the L hex wrench that comes with the mount Saddle height: 13.85mm Center height: 26.50mm Inner distance between two rings: 58mm Overall length: 100mm
