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                Airgun .22 High Profile Integral 1-Inch Ring MountProduct DescriptionPrecision Machined From Aircraft-grade Aluminum Alloy with Anodized Black Matte FinishComplete with Stop-Pin for Rock Solid Applica

                Airgun .22 High Profile Integral 1-Inch Ring Mount
                Product Description
                Precision Machined From Aircraft-grade Aluminum Alloy with Anodized Black Matte Finish
                Complete with Stop-Pin for Rock Solid Application
                Ring Base Designed with Locking Hex Screws to Tightly Fit on Mounts with Airgun/.22 Dovetail Dimensions
                Reversible Locking Plate to Fit Full Range of Airgun/.22 Rails
                38mm Bi-directional Offset Provides Extended and Comfortable Eye Relief Ring Distance from Outer Edge to Outer Edge 75mm
                OFFSET RING MOUNTS, AccuShot Airgun/.22 1" Bi-direction Integral Offset Mount - 62mm Base Length, 38mm Bi-Directional Eye Relief Offset Adjustment
                Product Details
                Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces
