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                Tactical Gamo 1" Scope Ring with 19mm flashlight mountProduct DescriptionFeatures:- One-piece design.- Fits all scopes with a one inch body tube- Fits 11mm dovetails mounts, rails and bases- Clam

                Tactical Gamo 1" Scope Ring with 19mm flashlight mount
                Product Description
                - One-piece design.
                - Fits all scopes with a one inch body tube
                - Fits 11mm dovetails mounts, rails and bases
                - Clamps onto dovetail base/rail
                - Made of solid aluminum alloy to withstand shock and recoil
                - Complete with stop pin and solid locking device.
                - 4 Hex screws on top to tightly secure the scope
                - Add 19mm diameter flashlight or laser scope on to top.
                - Made in China
                - Ring Diameter: 1inch/25.4mm
                - Dia. fo Ring on the top:19.5mm
                - Weight:155g
                - Full Length:130mm
                - Rail Type: 11mm dovetail
                - Center Height:23.7mm
                - Material:aluminum alloy matte blcak
