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                30mm & 25.4mm Double Dual Scope Rings with Side Mount Flashlight Sight for 20mm RailsProduct Description:This designed to install a Flashlight or Laser Sight onto the Rifle Barrel. This also has t

                30mm & 25.4mm Double Dual Scope Rings with Side Mount Flashlight Sight for 20mm Rails
                Product Description:This designed to install a Flashlight or Laser Sight onto the Rifle Barrel. This also has two additional rails for adding more units and increasing modularity.
                100% Brand N ew
                Material: Aluminum Alloy
                Dual 20mm weaver rail at both sides of the body
                Extra rails increase modularity
                Ring Diameter: 25mm/30mm
                Over length: 91mm
                Screw length: 12mm
                0Included in the Package:

                > 1x Wrench
                >1 X Scope mount
