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                Tactical Adjustable Dual Barrel Ring Scope Mount Holder For Flashlight Torch Laser Sight HuntingProduct Description:- 100% Brand New-A fast & easy solution for mounting sling on barrel-8 Figure de

                Tactical Adjustable Dual Barrel Ring Scope Mount Holder For Flashlight Torch Laser Sight Hunting
                Product Description:- 100% Brand New
                -A fast & easy solution for mounting sling on barrel
                -8 Figure design and mount by 2 screws
                - Designed to install a torch or laser sight onto the rifle barrel
                -Complete solution for mounting torch,laser into airsoft
                -Screw fit that allow installing on different size of barrel
                -Constructed of full metal material, extra strong shock
                absorption ability
                -Perfect for hunting, airsoft, war game, military
                -Material: Aluminium
                -Color: Black
                -Ring diameter: 19mm - 25mm
                -Tube diameter for barrel: 12mm(+6mm) - 14mm(+6mm)
                -Mount Size: 45mm (H) x 45mm (W)
                Included in the Package:
                > 1x Wrench
                >1 X Scope mount
