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                Flexible adjustable metal mount rifle mountsProduct Description:Material : MetalAdjustableWeight: 52g.application : for hunting gun to fix flashlight, torch, or night vision .Package: Neutral box. (1p

                Flexible adjustable metal mount rifle mounts
                Product Description:Material : Metal
                Weight: 52g.
                application : for hunting gun to fix flashlight, torch, or night vision .
                Package: Neutral box. (1pcs/box)
                Designed to install a Flashlight or Laser Sight onto the Rifle Barrel
                Suitable for Flashlight & Laser Sight Tube mounting need
                Flashlight Mount can also be installed on standard weaver rail alone
                Fully adjustable with nuts & screws included
                Great look for attaching onto rifle scope with extra accessories installed
                Complete solution for Mounting Flashlight & Laser Sight on rifle
                Constructed of Full Metal Material, extra Strong Shock Absorption ability
                Matte Black Finish look so COOL on any rifle
                Easy installing
                High quality and competitive price
