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                Laser scope for 1" /19MM Flashlight/LaserProduct Description:Mount size(mm) : 80(L)X37(W)X18(H)Weight(g): 41/52Ring Diameter(mm): 19 + 25Rail Type:2 X 21 mm Weaver Scope BaseBuiltMaterial: alumin

                Laser scope for 1" /19MM Flashlight/Laser
                Product Description:Mount size(mm) : 80(L)X37(W)X18(H)Weight(g): 41/52Ring Diameter(mm): 19 + 25Rail Type:2 X 21 mm Weaver Scope BaseBuiltMaterial: aluminum alloyColor: BlackUse: for laser and flashlight- Made with zinc alloy of high quality- Precision machined- Inner diameter: 1.9/2.5cm- Easy installation- Compatible with M40/M16 guns
                Full Metal High Profile Scope Ring Set Quick Detachable Design allow instant attach & detach action See Through design allow you to aim with the Rifle s Iron Sight even with a Scope installed 19 / 25 / 30mm Diameter fit most scope and tactical flashlight Also good for tactical flashlight, SureFire Light & weapon light Install on all 10 / 20mm Weaver Rail, Scope Rail & RIS/RAS Rails Perfect for Hunting & Skirmish Play.
