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                11mm Base Mount to 20mm Weaver Picatinny Dovetail Rail ConversionProduct Description:100% Brand New100% Satisfactory Guarantee11mm to 20mm raising scope rail mount converter20mm Top Rail allow install

                11mm Base Mount to 20mm Weaver Picatinny Dovetail Rail Conversion
                Product Description:100% Brand New
                100% Satisfactory Guarantee
                11mm to 20mm raising scope rail mount converter
                20mm Top Rail allow installation of scope, sight, torch, laser
                Fit on 10mm RIS Rail & Picatinny Rail
                Easy to hook up
                Constructed of full metal material, extra strong shock
                absorption ability
                Perfect for hunting, airsoft, war game, military
                Unit Type:
                Package Weight:
                0.110kg (0.24lb.)
                Package Size:
                10cm x 10cm x 10cm (3.94in x 3.94in x 3.94in)
