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                If you have a high level of awareness, you can find a target for your behavior

                2021-04-21 21:04:56 chaobanqiu 3

                On January 20, 1920, the first issue of "Consciousness", the magazine of the Consciousness Society edited by Zhou Enlai, was published. In the first article, Zhou Enlai wrote: "The biggest difference between man and all living things in the world is man's ability to" realize ". "Leading Party cadres must be conscious and conscientious," Xi said at the seventh plenary session of the 18th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Awareness, awareness high, can find their own behavior target." Consciousness is invisible, but certain. The aim of Communists' behavior is to love and protect the Party and serve the people.

                High consciousness is manifested in the adherence to "public" when choosing between public and private. In the history of our party, a great many party members and cadres face the public and private, justice and interests of the contradiction, without hesitation to choose the former, with practical action to write the values of the party members. When Zhang Wentian left home to join the revolution, his eldest daughter was only three years old and his youngest daughter was just born. It was 26 years before the father and daughter met again. Instead of offering her any material compensation, he warned her that he would never use my connections to open a back door for you. Before his death, Zhang Wentian did not leave any material bequests to his two daughters who were living in difficulties. Instead, he asked his wife Liu Ying to hand over all the repaid wages and unfrozen savings to the Party as the last party fee, leaving the world an image of a Communist Party member who forgot his family for the country and his public interests.

                High consciousness is manifested in the firmness of "yes" in the face of big right and big wrong. "The party kua upright, people pushed Huang Kecheng." Huang Kecheng was known throughout the army for his opinions. At the Lushan Conference in 1959, Huang Kecheng publicly agreed with Peng Dehuai on the Great Leap Forward. At that time, someone advised him to "be flexible", he shook his head and refused, "When you drop a stone when it is down, you need a stone, but I have no stone". As a result, he was branded as an "anti-party clique" and removed from his posts as chief of the general staff and secretary general of the military commission. After the end of the "cultural revolution", the tendency of "anti-Mao" appeared in the society. Although Huang Kecheng, who was deeply hurt by the "left-leaning" mistake, was blind, aged and infirm, he firmly maintained Mao Zedong's historical position, showing the firm stand and clear-cut attitude of a Communist in front of the big right and the big wrong.

                Today, to carry forward the cause of the Party, it is necessary for Party members and cadres to take history as a mirror, take revolutionary forefathers as examples, and fix the lesson of "being conscious and conscious". They must always aim at the bull's eye of the Party and the people, and ensure that their words, deeds and achievements are worthy of the trust of the Party and the people.
