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                Correct the "front sight" to hit the "bulls-eye"

                2021-04-21 21:05:46 chaobanqiu 2

                The core function of the army is fighting, and ensuring the implementation of the standard of combat effectiveness is the value direction of the political work of the army. Ideological and political education, as the central link of strengthening the overall construction of the army and accomplishing various tasks, serves to ensure the generation and improvement of combat effectiveness, which is not only the internal requirement of fulfilling the mission and task of the army, but also the powerful advantage of defeating the enemy.

                At present, the new generation of military training laws and regulations have been fully implemented. The task of military exercises and training has become more and more heavy, the intensity of actual combat training has become more and more intense, and the dynamic changes of personnel's mind, body and psychology have become more and more complex. Only close to the situation in the face of these changes, the ideological and political education task and soldiers life, to grasp the actual combat training new characteristics of the new requirements, the education "thumb" has always aimed at the "bull 's-eye" of military training, the optimized content, exploring methods and scientific examination, do "followed education training, classroom around tasks". Only in this way can the "lifeline" be made precise and powerful in actual combat training.

                The content of education should arouse the fighting spirit. Focusing on the standard of combat effectiveness and education, the first step is to implant the "dare to fight" gene into the hearts of officers and soldiers. The armed forces at all levels should use President Xi's important instructions on military training to consolidate the will of officers and soldiers to prepare for war and strengthen their combat responsibilities. In combination with the theme education of "passing on the red gene and assuming the responsibility of building a strong military," we will carry out a campaign of "sweeping away the problems that have accumulated in peace," deepen education on functions, fine traditions and the history of the Party and the military, and regularly organize education on combat readiness. We will clarify the basic principles, clear away the confusion of thinking, and clear away doubts and concerns. To guide the officers and soldiers to conscientiously fulfill the mission of "serving, leading and training for war", so that the troops are always ready to win the war.

                Education should be integrated into the central task. Only when education is integrated into the central task can it exert its strong vitality. Military training and political education are just like two legs. If one of them is short, it will be impossible for them to move forward. Political education will lose its vitality if it is separated from military training. Practice, must adhere to the ideological and political education and military training plan, synchronization, tied together the prey, and the implementation of the pinch in a result, the education of the main position forward to the training ground, into the first line, achieve the "time" rather than "over time", and make sure that each phase of training, each link, each step is covered, A good situation has been formed in which education promotes training and discipline. In particular, in the course of carrying out its tasks, the PLA should put an end to the old practices that seem vigorous but in fact cannot stand the test of practice. It should keep up with the progress of the mission and the reflection of the officers and soldiers' realistic thoughts. It should adopt short, small, quick and dynamic forms of education, and carry out "small forums, small mobilization, small homework, small debates and small evaluations" on a wide scale. Activities such as singing battle songs, holding battlefield bulletins, Shouting battle slogans, pasting battle banners and visiting red scenic spots were organized to promote "double harvests" in learning, education and performance and training.

                The evaluation of educational effect should focus on actual combat standards. How the educational effect is, in the final analysis, depends on the contribution rate to combat effectiveness. Combat effectiveness is the only fundamental standard of military construction, and of course the only evaluation standard of education. Party committees at all levels should scientifically determine educational objectives and evaluation systems in light of the actual conditions of their units. They should not only adhere to high educational standards, but also refrain from blindly raising educational targets, still less stop at listening to reports, checking notes and turning over teaching plans. During the elaboration education effect index, insist in actual combat, for traction, surrounding the officers and soldiers loyal consciousness, the concept of combat readiness, the combat style, sacrifice, military honor, psychological quality, etc., key check dynamic thought the smell is like having sufficient insufficiency, the check work out the strong fighting spirit is not strong, check post training of the combat style of work hard, check construction unit of the job done well. Only in this way can education truly return to its true nature, tradition and law, and provide ideological guarantee and spiritual impetus for improving the combat effectiveness and completing various tasks of the army.
