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                How to quickly aim a firearm with an optical sight? Replace or install auxiliary sights to achieve

                2021-04-21 21:12:43 chaobanqiu 8

                At present, most of the mainstream firearms in the world retain the traditional mechanical sights, but firearms such as AUG or G36 have their own optical sights. Many people may feel a sense of greatness and think this is technology. As a result of the improvement, if an optical sight is actually added to the gun, and the scope is opened quickly in actual shooting, the human eye will take a certain time to adapt to the change of the target magnification, so the result can be imagined. After the fight, are you still looking for the target miles? So how to achieve fast aiming and shooting miles by installing optical sighting?

                In fact, judging from the AUG assault rifle, the early version of this rifle was specially equipped with a 1.5x mirror. Relatively speaking, the sight of this multiple can be quickly adapted to meet the requirements of shooting accuracy in a 50-meter area. , In addition, there is a fixed notch in the sight barrel at the top of the scope, so according to some battlefield conditions, the sights with a higher magnification can be replaced with a sight with a smaller magnification. The G36 is even more atmospheric, and it's not troublesome to change the sight. The Germans think it's very simple to install two sights, one red dot and one quadruple. The two sights are distributed on the upper and lower sides of the gun promotion. Soldiers can change the positions of the two sights according to their own habits or battlefield conditions. Let's talk about an XM8 rifle. In addition to having a 4x mirror, it can also be equipped with an infrared laser transmitter, so it can rely on infrared laser to assist aiming under night vision. In addition, the front sight is set on the handle, and the small peephole at the rear is the rear sight. These two crosshairs can also play a very good auxiliary effect in close combat.
